presidential candidates, in their final debate on Monday that was focused on
foreign policy, made it clear to their voters that they will be better
presidents in leading America in key parts of the world without knowing what
kind of negative consequences it might entail.
One wonders
how the next president is going to make it happen giving constraints of the
U.S. power following two devastating wars in the Middle East and numerous
falling initiatives. In the debate, Obama used the word “leadership” for 15
times while Romney said it eight times. It certainly brings votes to say
America is going to lead the world to peace and prosperity but at the same time
it creates discord in various parts of the world against the U.S. role.
No state can
accept leadership of another state unless it is under grave threat of
destruction and any attempt to create leadership over others has always had backlash.
There is no such thing called “American leadership that will bring peace and
prosperity” as Romney kept repeating in the debate. States, as usual, will
always keep fighting and the U.S. must pick a smart strategy to turn the tide
into its favor. This could include pitting emerging powers against each other
to make sure that no nation is dominating others in a region they are located.
Another strategy is to make brief intervention to change the course of events
rather than trying to run a country. The U.S. is good at changing the course of
history but it is bad at running other nations.
When you
boast of a military spending that is more than military spending of next ten
countries combined, then you should be ready to see other countries worried
about your military might and intentions.
The U.S. is the most powerful nation on Earth and it can defeat any
state it wants in any part of the world. When this kind of tremendous power
shows signs of leadership role in any regional challenges it faces, it will be
met with resistance rather than welcome. States will only welcome the alliance
and partnership of the U.S. as long as they know that the U.S. has no
expansionist ambitions.
When you
talk about leadership in the East Asia, this is definitely not good news for
both China and its adversaries. The U.S. must continue to leave nations
surrounding China weak to the extent of being only defend themselves to make
sure that Japan and other states don’t dominate the region as it was the
situation before the World War II. The U.S. should stay vigilant against
Chinese expansion as well as maintain the current balance of power in the
Pacific region with delicate partnerships rather than speaking about being a
leader in the region.
The same
goes with the Middle East too. Neither Turkey nor Egypt want U.S. leadership
but both powerful countries wouldn’t want to see their ambitions being realized
without the U.S. giving a helping hand to them.
All in all,
the U.S. will continue to increase its presence in the Middle East and East
Asia no matter who will be elected to the White House. But the U.S. should aim
to prevent any state to dominate regions that are very significant to U.S.
interests, including its own domination. Taking a leadership role in the Middle
East and the East Asia won’t help Washington to promote its interests and
instead will turn friendly nations balancing against the world’s superpower.
A very nice and informative post. I agree with you. Actually, no country, no matter how powerful it is, can come in leadership role through inflicting wars on other countries. And, those who opted for it, always had to pay the price, not only by earning hatred but by destroying their own economies.